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Ples obchodní akademie
- 7. březen 2025 19:00
- Kongresové centrum Zlín
- prodej lístků
- maturanti 4. a 5. 2. v kabinetě 307
- absolventi 6. 2. (13:00–16:00) a 7. 2. (12:00–15:00) na recepci školy
- ostatní žáci a veřejnost od 10. 2. každé pondělí a úterý (14:00–16:00) na recepci školy
23. 9. 2018 - Kaylyn Michelle Williams
Jak naší americké lektorce Kaylyn chutnají lázeňské oplatky
Zde jsou její zážitky z Luhačovic:
Last Saturday, I travelled to Luhačovice and had an amazing time! We started the day off by roaming the streets leisurely, taking in the beauty of the spa town. We visited the local church to admire the architecture, then we made our way towards the cobblestone streets filled with cafes, restuarants, and historic buildings. I love the wafers in spa towns!! I tried a cinnamon one which was great, but I also love the chocolate ones. I also tried edelberry flower flavored ice cream which tasted like heaven. I had never tried such a unique flavor so I was pleasantly surprised that it turned out to be my favorite among the options. I was also fascinated with all of the different types of fountains where I could try waters offering different health benefits. My favorite one was the Dr. Happy water, because I accept any and all remedies for happier, more optimistic living/thinking. We enjoyed good conversation as well as occasionally stopping to watch the traditional folk dances take place in the square. We finished our day eating traditional Czech treats and sipping cappucinos (one of my favorite things to do I must admit). Overall, I had a relaxing day, and I can’t wait for the next trip!!