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25. 5. 2015
Joana posílá pozdrav
V loňském školním roce na naší škole působila zahraniční asistentka Comenius - slečna Joana Tarana z Portugalska. Teď už je sice zpět doma, ale vzpomíná na nás a všechny zdraví. Čtěte více.
Here the sun is shinning, the flowers have grown and there're strawberries and cherries everywhere. In your side of Europe, my memory is saying that you have (also) beautiful sun, grass and "pivo" but also "Maturita", school promenades, Zlín Film Festival and the "smell" of holidays.
The picture attached shows me at lunch time with some students (not mine) from the school where I am working now. I sometimes share with them my memories of a Czech lovely place and so good experience.
Regards from Portugal,